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Digital cities and the welfare state

Do you want to know more about innovation,

and upcoming jobs like 3D food engeneering?


Innovation in the digital city:

Innovation is something that happens around the world every single day. To innovate something new, you usually must think outside the box, but in some cases, events that happen around the world change the way people think, and we must innovate in new ways based on these events. “Now and then a new technology brings about profound of societal changes” (Geirbo). An example of this could be the corona pandemic, where masks, corona certificates and self-tests were introduced to individuals. Had anybody really thought of these things before the pandemic?

It is because of this we need to think about the long run and prepare for problems that may arise in the future. One non existing job our group thought of was food engineering, where possibilities of 3D-printing food might appear.

Sustainable food systems:

It is incredibly important that in the future we can offer solutions for sustainable food systems. Professor Cribb, in his book “The Coming Famine: The Global Food Crisis and What We Can Do To Avoid It” , writes that due to shortages of water, land and energy combined with increased demand will create a global food shortage around the year 2050 (The World Counts, u.d.). With better handling of our acres and with newer technology we can be able to produce food which is more cost-efficient. (The World Counts, u.d.) According to the MIT university in India, advancement in food technology could reduce diseases, and improve the quality of food. Alongside this we might get better prevention techniques and less wastage of food. (MITUniversity, 2020). Another positive side of this technology is that we might be able to customize the food we eat with more proteins, vitamins and minerals to benefit the human body more. This way it will be easier for us to eat healthier and customize our diet with the right food.